Affordable “Kapon” (Spay / Neuter) for only 250 Pesos

dog and cat

Want to have your pet neutered/sprayed but hesitant because of the cost? Worry no more!! there is a place in Cebu where you could let your pets undergo the procedure for a very affordable price.

Spay / Neuter

For us locals, we all call it kapon but when we visit the vet they would usually ask if it’s spay or neuter. The two terms are pretty much the same however spraying involves removing the ovaries of a FEMALE animal while neutering is the process of removing the testicles of a MALE animal.

Why Spay / Neuter your pet?

According to the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), the following are the benefits of Spray / Neuter:

  • Reduced chances of breast cancer, uterine infections, pyometra for females and testicular cancer for males
  • No more heat cycles and behavioral changes, resulting in a happier and well-adjusted temperament
  • No more urges to find a mate, which reduces the tendency to leave the house and be exposed to harm
  • Reduced or eliminated habit of spraying and marking, as well dog fights and cat fights among males
  • Reduced number of unwanted pets in your community, which will decrease the number of homeless and starving animals, bite incidences, and euthanasia


If we visit the PAWS website, they provided the price range as follows : 

Spay and Neuter rates:

Female cat – From P1,000
Male cat – From P700

Female dog up to 15kg – P1,500
Female dog between 16-20kg – P2,000
Female dog between 21-24kg – P2,500
Female dog between 25-35kg – P5,000
Male dog up to 15kg – P1,000
Male dog between 16-20kg– P1,500

*Add-ons apply. See “Other Fees” for info.

Other fees:

Additional P500 for mixed and purebred cats
Additional P1,000 for mixed and purebred dogs
Additional P500 for pregnant cats
Additional P1000 for pregnant dogs
Additional P300-P500 for male cats with undescended testicle/s
Additional P500-P1000 for male dogs with undescended testicle/s
Additional P500 for female cats with pyometra
Additional P1,000 for female dogs with pyometra
Additional P2,000 for use of gas anesthesia
Additional P500 for every 5 kg in excess of 35kg body weight (Females)
Additional P500 for every 5 kg in excess of 20kg body weight (Males)

Fortunately, the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries Cebu City offers this type of procedure for only 250 pesos. Yes, you read it right, that's only 250 PHP.

So here's a breakdown of my expenses:

  • 200 PHP – apparently there is still a Pet Reg charge
  • 250 PHP – is the charge for the spay/neuter
  • 80 PHP – for the alcohol. I had to bring my own 500ml 70% alcohol. The cost would depend upon what brand you would buy
  • 400 PHP – is for the after-care medicines. This consists of anti-bacterial and ascorbic acid which I had to purchase after the procedure. This amount could still be lower if you request a generic brand. In my case, there was only one pharmacy near my place so I had no other choice but to buy it.

How to avail?

  1. Visit the Cebu City website. Click here to be redirected right away
  2. Login if you already have an account if not yet then please create an account.
  3. Once your log in, please click “Manage your appointment online”.
  4. You would then be routed to a page which allows you to search.
  5. On the “Search Value” field, input “DVMF” then click “Request for New Appointment”
  6. Agree on the terms and condition and click “Start Appointment”
  7. You would then be routed to “New Appointment Booking” page.
  8. Drop down and select DVMF on the  “Please Select an Office You Want to Transact ” field
  9. On the “Please Select a Service or Transaction” field, select the type of service you want to avail.
  10. After selecting the type of service, a calendar would appear. You just need to select the date which you want the procedure to occur. (** spay/neuter is only available every Wednesday)
  11. After booking, you would then receive an email confirming your schedule.


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